Book Review: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

With the release of the film this year I jumped on the bandwagon and opened up City of Bones. I haven't actually seen the film so I do not know how accurate it is to the story but I can imagine this was an exciting book to film translation if it has been done properly.

I was pretty surprised with how much I got into this story. I really liked the quick pace it started with and managed to maintain throughout the book.  I really loved the character of Clary even if it took me to hear a colleague say her name for me to be sure I was pronouncing it correctly. She reacts exactly how I would expect someone to react when their entire world is revealed to be a lie and you discover that supernatural beings really do exits.

For a teen fiction story I think this has a more mature theme and is definitely for your older readers, although some more grown up elements of the story may be missed by younger readers. I was particularly absorbed with the themes Clare address, some which you rarely see in teen fiction let alone in young adult fiction. Unfortunately it would be a bit of spoiler to say what those themes are but if you read it you will know what I am on about.

I also felt that this story redeemed the vampire! I am a traditional Bram Stoker based Vampire kind of girl. I think Vampires should really scare you and should not be treated as frivolously as I think some vampire teen fiction has done. I mean they drink human blood that shouldn't be glossed over with glitter. I found the scene with Raphael pretty creepy and I was biting my nails wondering what would happen. I also like the introduction of other supernatural beings not just werewolves and vampires. It includes some overlooked creatures plus a few Clare brilliantly creates.

I am literally on tenterhooks waiting to find out what on earth is going to happen. The story revolves around Clary whose mother is kidnapped and in one fell swoop Clary's understanding of the world changes. She discovers that she is part Shadowhunter which introduces her to a world of demon hunting and Downworlders. Furthermore, she discover family she never knew she had and the direction this leads her is enthralling. She must, with Jace, Alec, Isabella and Simon, seek out the Mortal Cup before the traitorously charismatic Valentine gains it and in doing so gains control of the demonic races. All the while she must resolve her mixed up feelings and cope with the disappearance of her mother. She is a strong female lead and the story is just carried by her feisty nature. I have already powered through the second story and I am about to start City of Glass.

A must read for supernatural fiction fans!


  1. I just finally jumped on the bandwagon with this book too - I requested it from the library and will be reading it very soon. Seems like pretty much everyone loves this series!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  2. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did :)


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