The One Where I Had to Set Three Alarms

Getting up today was effort. After a whole week of luxurious lie ins until 8:30 I dragged myself from bed today at 6:30. I had to set 3 alarms to ensure I actually got out of bed today as I was really concerned I would accidentally sleep in.

As I am now back at work my run today was the first of many after school ones.  Over half term I have enjoyed the luxury of running whenever it fitted into my day. I ran during the morning for the majority of half term but actually enjoyed running this afternoon as the sun was not as harsh!

 I spent the half term week prior to Juneathon building my running back up and this week I plan to work on my 5k speed to get it back to my personal best of 27 minutes. Once I get it nearer that time I will start to add in more miles.

Juneathon Progress: A steady but tough 3 miles with horribly tight calves.
