I wanted to read Moonrise after reading the blurb and being captivated. I love how Sarah Crossan writes such a diverse range of stories and this one sounded intriguing. I liked the idea of someone coping with the multitude of emotions that would swirl in your head if someone you loved was accused of a crime and then dealing with the intensity of knowing that meant their life was forfeit.
Ed is on death row. He is charged with murdering a police office, worse the crime occurred in a state that supports the death penalty. Jo, his younger brother has been dealing with the fall out of this for 10 years. Now they’ve finally got the call that gives the official date that Ed will die. Jo decides he needs to go, needs to see Ed to talk, to make the most of time that is steadily ticking away. The emotionally charged journey this takes Jo on is raw and full of pain. It wrecked me and I read the book in one quick sitting.
The style of Sarah's writing in terms of limited amount of words reminded me of her book The Weight of Water, although without the poetic lilt. I was enthralled by the story and found myself holding back tears for most of it. It was exceptionally well written. The fact Sarah can weave such a powerful and deep book in so few words is a mark of what a sensationally gifted writer she is. The characters are well rounded and the story moves at a great pace.
If like me you really like closure the book might frustrate
you as I found I could not decide if Ed was innocent or guilty .You
get Ed’s story and you have to decide if you trust Ed. For me the story was a harrowing tale fraught with emotion and it stayed with me long after I finished.
*I recieved this book from a Netgalley request for my honest opinion. The book is out on 7th September and is well worth a read!
A truly thought-provoking story
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