There are monkeys in the parlour, turtles in the bathtub and secrets behind every door...
Idie Grace is suddenly removed from the life that she has always known and plunged into a whole new world due to an unexpected inheritance. She must become the lady of the house and learn to navigate as a young girl in an adult’s world. Away from governesses and father figures for the first time Idie can now dictate her own life and surrounds herself with a menagerie of animals, turning Bathsheba into her own paradise. However, there is more to her heritage then she has been told and she must deal with the consequences of uncovering the truth.
This is no animal story as I was initially led to believe from the believe. I enjoyed it so much that I think I will be reading more by Sam Angus in the future!
She draws you into a story that touches on the role of women, race and war. Intriguing and beautifully written with mesmerising imagery and unique lovable characters. It is thought-provoking, moving and will wrap itself around your heart.
Poetically written - well worth reading and released tomorrow.
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