1. Take Back the Skies by Lucy Saxon

I recently purchased this book from a supermarket for a rather cheap price because the cover and blurb jumped out at me. I am getting a bit tired of the black covers with a splash of colour on the front that are becoming a bit overdone in YA fiction, so this bright cover was a pleasant surprise. I was even more intrigued by the fact that Lucy Saxon penned this story when she was just 16, jealously aside I want to see what such a young writer has produced. On the face of it this looks like a fantasy/coming of age story. I am hoping it proves enjoyable as the cover suggest.
2.Reckoning by Kerry Wilkinson
I have been avoiding dystopian stories as I was getting bogged down in some of the similarities and implausibility of some of the stories. However, the blurb of this suggested this was more fantasy then dystopian and would offer me the best of both of those worlds. This is the start of a series and a move away from crime stories for this author. I am excited to see what this one delivers. Another pretty fantastic cover as well.
3. Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini
As I am a glutton for punishment there is another trilogy opener on my to reads list. This is a modern day myths and legends story and should be a change of pace from my usual array of fantasy stories. I have literally no clue what to expect but I am intrigued to see another author tackle a myths story line. I enjoyed Percy Jackson but wanted more from mythical side of the story so I hope this can live up to my expectations.
4. Summer's Child by Diane Chamberlain
Oh how I love thee Diane Chamberlain. You do not write for YA but you definitely write for me. I can read anything Chamberlain creates and love getting my nose into one of her books. I was fortunate to snap this up on my Kindle for the bargain price of £1. Chamberlain is often marketed to fans of Jodi Picoult, who although exceptionally talented does have a tendency to put enormous twists at the end of all her stories. I have found myself guessing what awful thing she is going to do and I am always quite disappointed when I am correct. Chamberlain is not in anyway like this. However, she does create the same dramatic aspects to her stories that make them gripping reads.
5. Resist by Sarah Crossan
I loved the first in this two-part series and I really want to find out what is going to happen in the sequel. I really enjoyed the dystopian story that Crossan had weaved. It had the feisty main character I was hoping for so I am looking forward to seeing what Alina gets up too.
6. Thief's Magic by Trudi Canavan
I have been eager to read the Traitor Spy Trilogy by Trudi Canavan for a while and whilst looking for this series I stumbled across a brand new world created by this talented fantasy author. I almost danced around the shop with this beautiful book. I can see myself getting completely hooked on this series starter. I hope it is as gripping and fantastical as her other books.
7. Traitor Spy Trilogy by Trudi Canavan
As I just mentioned I have wanted to read this fantasy trilogy since I discovered it picked up with Canavan's lead character from The Black Magician's trilogy. Sonea was such a brilliant lead and I really enjoyed her first story. I hope we see her magic develop even more and I am looking forward to meeting her son. If you like fantasy stories I recommend reading Trudi Canavan. I find she is a brilliant cross-over author in that her books work well for teenagers and adults alike.
8. Fear, Nothing by Lisa Gardner
Another grown-up book that I have been desperate to get my hands on. I think a good murder-mystery can be such a good read and Gardner is by far my favourite crime author. Her newest instalment in the D.D. Warren series seems set to thrill and when it finally goes down in price I will be adding it to my bookshelves pronto.
9.All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill
I loved the bright yellow of this cover and was instantly captured. I love the ability of covers to make you pick up a book and consider it a contender for reading. From the blurb I have established this looks like a thrilling tale. Em is imprisoned in a military base with nothing but a boy next to her and instructions to escape she has found in a drain. She is the key to the final instruction, she has failed many times before and each time ends up imprisoned. Are you intrigued, because I am!
10. Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
I know it is shockingly sad really cool that I re-read Harry Potter every year and have done so since I was 11. I always read the book at the same time of year, on Harry's birthday to be precise (give yourself points if you knew this meant the 31st July). It is enormously geeky but it is now a tradition I just can not break. To be honest I love when the date finally roles around and I can settle into the comfortably familiarity of Harry's world and Hogwarts.
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