May was such a full month that I unfortunately did not find time to write my blog. I found myself at many points this month feeling like I couldn't possibly achieve everything I hoped to.
Firstly the month starting with my lovely hubby taking and passing his QTS tests which I am super proud of him for. He worked really hard to pass them. At the same time as all this I was busy revising for my theory test and attempting to write two essays for my degree. To top things off I battled through my 7th bout of tonsillitis. Needless to say I found myself a bit busy!
Thankfully there was light at the end of the tunnel and I handed in both my essays early. I also passed my driving theory test which has allowed me to officially BOOK my driving test! I am so excited that I have made it this far with my main goal of the year!
I started Junethon today as you may know I attempted to complete Janathon in January and achieved 2 weeks until I got poorly and couldn't complete it. Juneathon follows the same principle of running and blogging daily . Hopefully I can complete it this time!
Juneathon Progress: Today I ran a steady and sunny 2 miles :)

Currently Reading: The Last of the Wilds by Trudi Canavan
Firstly the month starting with my lovely hubby taking and passing his QTS tests which I am super proud of him for. He worked really hard to pass them. At the same time as all this I was busy revising for my theory test and attempting to write two essays for my degree. To top things off I battled through my 7th bout of tonsillitis. Needless to say I found myself a bit busy!
Thankfully there was light at the end of the tunnel and I handed in both my essays early. I also passed my driving theory test which has allowed me to officially BOOK my driving test! I am so excited that I have made it this far with my main goal of the year!
I started Junethon today as you may know I attempted to complete Janathon in January and achieved 2 weeks until I got poorly and couldn't complete it. Juneathon follows the same principle of running and blogging daily . Hopefully I can complete it this time!
Juneathon Progress: Today I ran a steady and sunny 2 miles :)

Currently Reading: The Last of the Wilds by Trudi Canavan
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