Book review: The Interpretation of Murder

I am on a very long bus journey so decided to take the opportunity to attempt to use my blogger app to post a book review hopefully it will be a smooth process. Let me apologise in advance for any errors that may occur!

Although I mentioned a review for The Killables would be on its way I have literally finished a book today and felt as its fresh in my mind I would review it first.

This book is The Interpretation of Murder by Jed Rubenfeld. This was one of my bargain purchases I made whilst in the kingdom of Hay-On-Wye.

As I was on half term I made this decision to read a book aimed more at my age range then my precious reads during term time. I was really intrigued by the blurb and reputation of this book and thought it would be the perfect choice.

The story is set in New York in 1909 during the first and only visit of the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud to America. During which a murder takes places and Freud and his American follower Younger are enlisted to uncover the truth. On the back of the book there are several quotes form sources who have thoroughly enjoyed the book. One in particular by the Scotsman says,

'a thrilling heart-in-the-mouth read...once you start reading, it's impossible to put down'

this quote for me had major impact. I love it when a book is so good you can't stop reading it. That you are so intrigued you attempt to cook reading, eat reading and do anything possible to read on. However unlike the Scotsman I did not find this to be true. It took me what felt like forever to get into this book. It was a really wade and the opposite of a page turner to begin with. It took a lot of discipline and perseverance to keep reading and I am so pleased I did as once you make it past the first few slow chapters the story picks up pace and takes you on an unexpected path. Although some chapters are a little obscure and slightly unnecessary the story holds together well.
The conclusion was unexpected and clever and I was pleased with the ending! I would recommend this as a read and I will be attempting his second book The Death Instinct as a result.

All in all a well put together murder mystery. Prepare yourself for a few chapters that drag but overall a worthwhile read.

Power through those chapters and it will be worth it

I am linking this page with Catch a single thought's 'Book Love' BOOKLOVEBADGE

*After attempting to publish this with my blogger app I have to say I am not 100% happy with the results. On my phone its very difficult to use even though I have a rather large phone screen its still quite difficult to see. It was very difficult getting it to show me any spelling errors and the process of changing them was equally as frustrating. I think in future I will just draft on my the app and publish only when I have double checked at home.
